10 February 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Aircraft Maintenance » Safi » Jets  


This page lists the known jet-powered aircraft which have entered Safi for maintenance.

Aircraft types: A


N92JJ A. L39CT   25.02.96/25.10.97 Flew to Malta, and entered Safi the same day. Dep Malta onboard An-12 UR-11316. c/n 533216
9H-LIV A.319-115(CJ) Comlux Malta 06.10.20/ Entered Safi for parking. c/n 3513.
G-AZAJ A.319 EasyJet 06.10.10 Entered Safi after landing.  
9H-220CJ A.220-100CJ Comlux Aviation Malta 26.02.24/28.02.24 c/n 50067.
EI-DOE A.320 Wind Jet   Entered Safi on 28.11.07.  
HZ-XY7 A.320-214 Sky Prime Aviation Services 01.06.23/09.06.23 Noted on 08.06.23. c/n 2165.
9H-SLC A.321-211 SmartLynx Malta   Noted at Safi Aviation Park on 31.12.21. c/n 4461.
G-MIDL A.321-100 BMI   Entered Safi on 19.05.08.  
G-XATW A.321-253NX Four Seasons Jet Experience 02.02.24/04.02.24 Arrived from London, entered Safi for parking, departing for Tbilisi. c/n 10150.
9H-TQP A.330-202 Hi Fly 09.07.24 16.07.24 c/n 211.

Aircraft types: Boeing

9L-LBU B.707-373C Koda Air 11.10.03/07.12.03 At Safi between 13 Oct - 7 Dec. It arrived from Southend for a ‘D’ check. c/n 19179/500 mfd 1966. First delivered to World Airways as N972WA on 29 May 66. Bought by Transportes Aereos Portugueses and registered CS-TBJ Jul 1974. Leased to Cargo Air Lines for two months 9 Mar 78. Transportes Aereos Portugueses changed name to TAP Air Portugal on 1 Apr 1979. Bought by Sicotra Aviation on 12 Dec 1987 and re-registered as 9Q-CSB. Sold to Filair on 1 May 92 and re-sold to Skydec Cargo during Dec 92. During the following years it changed the registration to 3D-CSB and 3C-GIG. On 16 Oct 01 the aircraft was used for a drug trafficking operation into UK, but police intercepted the operation upon its arrival at Southend. The haul consisted of 271 kilos of pure cocaine with a street value of £Stg22 million. Impounded in Southend, given a new colour scheme and registered as 9L-LDU. Dep Malta en-route to Sharjah using callsign Air Leone 400F on 07 Dec. During the following days the aircraft was seen being operated in Baghdad.
JY-HS1 B.727-76 Jordan HS Aviation 15.03.98/19.03.99 Operated a number of executive flights when based in Malta, last known service on 6 February, before entering Safi on 09.03.99 and leaving on 19.03. Modified with winglets. c/n 20228/766 Ex VR-CHS, VR-CCB, N727RE, HZ-GRP, HZ-GP2 (not taken up), N8043E, VH-TJE.
P4-MMG B.727-30 Int’l Development Group (Cayman) Ltd. See notes. Last seen at Safi on 11.12.00. Another visit between 14-15 June 04. This a/c was a frequent visitor a couple years ago, but in different colour scheme. As a result of a collision with an An-26 in Tripoli, its nose cone carried Libyan Arab Airlines colours. c/n 18368 mfd 1965 ex VP-CMM, N841MM, N728JE, N72700, N9234Z, D-ABIM.
P4-FLY B.727-22     Previously P4-ONE, it left Safi and Malta on 23.01.07. Seen on several occasions both at MIA and Safi. Used for both static and take-off/landing shots between 07-08.09.07 during the shooting of the film Largo Winch. Fictious “Korsk Corporation” titles applied. New livery after 23.03.08. Last noted entering Safi on 07.10.08.  
P4-ONE B.727-22   See notes. Joss Aviation. Seen on a number of occasions during 2001. Configured as an executive aircraft. Noted at Safi on 07.07.06. Re-registered P4-FLY. c/n 19148, pi N341TC, N7084U
P4-YJR B.727-30 JR Executive See notes. First visit to Safi between 24-28 Sept 04. Observed at Park 4, MIA on 18.06.05, entered Safi on __.__??, dep Safi 15.07, performed air test. Dep Malta on __.__? c/n 18366 mfd 1966 ex N727JR, VP-BGW, VR-BGW, N44R, N9233Z, D-ABIK.
VP-BAP B.727-100   27.06.19/01.07.19    
EI-ECD B. 737-8FH/W     Noted at Medavia on 16.01.09 tail logo removed.  
G-SWRD B.737-3L9 2Excel Aviation 06.03.24/08.03.24 Aircraft entered for paring purposes only. c/n 27834.
N999TY B.737-7JR(BBJ) TAG Aviation Asia 03.04.19/06.04.19 c/s tbj95 c/n 37111.
P4-LIG B.737-BBJ Orion X __.__.__/14.07.19 At Safi for parking. First noted on the 13th. c/n 37592.
SX-LWA B.737-330 Lumiwings 18.09.21/ Aircraft using Safi for parking in between flights between Malta-Libya. Last known flight out of Malta on 15.11.21. c/n 25216.
VP-BZL B.737-8DV(BBJ)   26.02.20? Entered Safi for parking. Departure from Safi unknown, but departed Malta on the 28th. c/n 32915.
A6-GGP B.747-412F Dubai Air Wing 16.01.18/17.01.18 Arrived as DUB008. Towed to Safi as another B.747 was expected later in the evening, and there wasn’t enough space to allow two such types.  
D-ALEO B.757-2Q8(PCF) DHL 01.05.19/01.05.19 Towed to Safi for a charity event known as “plane pull”. Same day event c/n 29443.
G-BMRI B.757-236(SF) DHL 03.08.15/17.08.15 Arrived in an all-white livery, entered Med-Avia the same day. Departed in DHL yellow livery.  
TF-FIC B.757-23N Icelandair 22.10.24/25.10.25 Aircraft entered Safi for parking purposes only. c/n 30735.
TF-LLL B.757-256 Icelandair 20.10.24/22.10.24 Aircraft carried the National Geographic logo. Entered Safi again between 17-19.11.24. c/n 29307.
9H-CAH B.767-3G5(ER)(BDSF) Challenge Airlines 25.09.24/01.10.24 Aircraft entered Safi for parking purposes. c/n 29435.
P4-787 B.787-8 Dreamliner Comlux 04.12.23/06.12.23 Carried Solidaire titles. c/n 35306. Entered Safi on the 5th for parking purposes only. Departed for Zurich.
KAF343 B. C-17 Kuwait AF 01-02.05.24 Arrived in relation to Hercules KAF328 going u/s. Night sopped at Safi.
09-0540 B. C-40C Clipper United States Air Force 05-07.07.24 The aircraft was parked at Safi during its stay in Malta.

(Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)

Aircraft types: BAe/BAC


5A-DKQ BAe 146-300 Air Libya   Seen at MIA in Sept 2011, entered Safi at least twice.  
9H-ELE BAe 146 Elfly   Arrived late evening of 17.06.09. Entered Safi after customs clearance same evening. Departed Safi to start operations, but all flying canx in October. Back at Safi by 06.11.09. Still at Safi at time of writing, May 2012. Scrapped on unknown date.  
G-SMLA Bae 146-200 Jota Aviation 19.07.17/29.08.17 Returned again on 09.10.17, c/s ENZ100M. Still at Safi early January 2018.  
9G-SBE Bae Avro RJ-100 Starbow 30.11.17 c/n E3332. Towed outside the hangar without titles and registration on 04.01.18. Towed to Air Cosmetics Malta for re-spraying on 15.01.18 Air Cosmetics page. c/n 332.
3C-LKI BAC 1-11-414EG   04.03.99/__.__.__ Entered Safi on same day. Stored at Bournemouth Airport for a year. Aircraft’s arrival was delayed by a transponder failure. Livery composed of white, blue and black cheatlines on fuselage, with a small Saudi flag near its forward left door. Last flew as 3C-LKI on a test flight on 22.03.01. Re-registered C5-LKI during Jan 02. Test flights on 23 and 26 Jan 02. Crew training on 3 Apr. Last recorded flight on 13 May 02, entering Safi the following day. Sprayed in Libyan Arab Airlines livery on 30 Apr 03, rolled out on 11 Jun. Re-registered 5A-DDQ, first seen on 1 Oct. Departed for Tripoli, Libya on 9 Oct 03. Returned to Malta, and entered Safi on 13 Feb 04, departing the following day. c/n 158. 3C-LKI, HZ-KB1, HZ-AB1, HZ-AMH, HZ-MF1, D-AISY, D-ANDI(not taken up)
C5-LKI BAC 1-11-414EG     See 3C-LKI above.  
5A-DDQ BAC 1-11-414EG Libyan Arab Airlines __.__.__/09.10.03 See 3C-LKI above.  
5N-BBP BAC 1-11-518FG Al Barka Air Services 10.09.02 Crossed into Safi on 11.09. Same “Miss World” titles of ‘BBQ but smaller and in the middle of the fuselage under the over wing exits. Scrapped in early 2006. Cockpit section donated to Aviation Museum in May of the same year. c/n 202, mfd 1970, ex G-OBWB, G-BDAS, G-AXMH.
5N-BBQ BAC 1-11-520FN Al Barka Air Services 31.09.02 Crossed into Safi on 01 Sept. Carried ‘Official Carrier of Miss World 2001’ and Al Barka titles along its fuselage. Towed to park 9, MIA, lifted over the fence, and then transported by road to Hal-Faron 04.02.06. c/n 230, mfd 1970 p.i.’s G-OBWC, G-BEKA, 4X-BAR, G-16-22, G-BEKA, PP-SDR
9L-LDJ BAC 1-11-531FS Air Leone Ltd 14.06.02 Previous operator British World. Arr from Southend UK. Crossed into Safi the same day. Presently parked at Safi in all-white colours. Missing No.1 engine, which was removed and sent to Southend for the ferry flight to Malta of BAC 1-11 G-OBWD. This aircraft hasn’t arrived yet. Taken to Luqa Airport on 28.12.05, and parked between Parks 3 & 4, a few months later towed to park 5. Scrapped on 10.01.18. c/n 242 mfd in 1972, ex G-OBWE, G-BJYM, TI-LRI, TI-1095C.
9L-LDL BAC 1-11-518FG Air Leone Ltd 08.07.02 Previous operator British World. Still in full British World livery. Towed to Park 4 on 26 Sept to participate as a static exhibit during Malta International Airshow 2003. Returned to Safi on the 29th. Scrapped at Safi in 2006. c/n 233 mfd 1971 ex G-OBWA, G-BDAT, G-AYOR
N263PC BAC 1-11-401AK   05.01.00/18.02.00 Arrived from Coventry, entered Safi on 06 Jan. Left Safi with Al Barka titles and registered as 5N-MBM on the 17th February. Departed Malta on the 18th February. 068 (mfd 1966) ex reg: N111LP, N18HD, N18HH, N200CC, N3E, N5027.
YA-GAG BAC 1-11-201AC   09.01.98 At Safi for at least 14 months. Purchased by Rwanda A/Ls?  
EL-ALD BAC 1-11-201AC Balkh Airlines Aircraft underwent a period of storage, in 1997. c/n 011. Aircraft would again be seen in Malta as 9XR-RA. (Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
9XR-RA BAC 1-11-201AC   15.03.98/24.03.98   c/n 011. YA-GAG, EL-ALD, G-DBAF, EI-BWK, N104EX, G-ASJG
VP-CMI BAC 1-11-212AR Ashmawi Aviation See notes. First visit on 11.09.01. Seen again on 28.09.01 for maintenance, dep 05.03.02. Also on 25.03.02, between 26 Nov – 15 Dec, and on 29 Jan 03. Test flight on 11 Oct 03. Dep for Dublin on 03.09.04. Sold to Flight Source International Inc, San Antonio, Texas. c/n 183, mfd 1969 ex HZ-ND1, VR-CMI, VR-CBY, HZ-AMH, VR-CBY, N503T
G-BXFP BAC Strikemaster Mk.87   28.02.03 Still in Royal New Zealand Air Force camouflage, titles & serial no NZ6361. Last registered owner was Strikemaster Films Ltd. Unconfirmed reports that the aircraft may have been bought as spare source for TU-VRA. Towed to Park 4 on 26 Sept to participate as a static exhibit during Malta International Airshow 2003. Returned to Safi on the 29th. Crated, and dep Malta on 21.05.04. A/c canx from UK register on 20.10.04. c/n Ps.71 ex Botswana Air Force OJ-5, Kenya Air Force 602, and G-27-192.
G-UUNY BAC Strikemaster Mk.87   15.02.03/22.03.03 Re-registered TU-VRA. Still in Botswana Defence Force titles and colours on arrival. c/n PS.70 mfd 1970 and ex G-AYHR, Botswana Air Force OJ4, Kenya Air Force 601, G-27-141, G-AYHR and G-27-191.

Aircraft types: B – L

All Biz-jets are now listed in order of registration.

502 D. Mirage F.1 Libyan AF 21.02.11 22.12.12 Aircraft had defected from Libya after pilots refused to bomb civilian targets. Remained in open storage until towed to Med-Avia on 10.01.12. Afterburner tests at MIA 08.02.12. Taxying test successful, but minor serviceability problems to one or both aircraft on the 19th. To Park 7 on the 20th. Departure on the 21st delayed by weather, finally leaving on the 22nd, c/s Eagle Formation.  
508 D. Mirage F.1 Libyan AF 21.02.11 22.12.12 As above, except afterburner tests on 03.02.12.  
5A-DAG Dassault Falcon 20C Libyan Arab Airlines All white with titles & logo of L.A.A. Aircrfat was noted at Safi between 30.07.02-02.08.02. Again seen at Safi between 23.06.03–20.08.03, still in white livery. c/n 143, F-WMKH
5A-DAJ L. Jetstar Air Ambulance __.04.92   c/n 5136, N5500L, LAAF-001 Libyan AF.
5A-DDR Gr. Gulfstream II Libyan Arab Airlines __.11.87 __.11.87 Engine runs on 7 & 8, test flight on 13.11.87. Seen again undergoing maintenance in March 88, but arrival/departure dates unknown. Returned on unknown date, departed on 22.10.90.  
5A-DDS Gr. Gulfstream II Libyan Arab Airlines __.07.88 Arrived for maintenance when Med-Avia was still located at Park 2, Luqa Airport. Test flight on the 17th. Observed in hangar on 28.01.90, departing on 03.05.90. First visit to Safi by a Gulfstream II between 17-27.12.02. All white livery w/L.A.A. titles. Again seen between 26 Feb-07 Mar 03. c/n 242 mfd 1979
5A-DKQ Dassault Falcon 20C Libyan Arab Airlines 22.09.05 Previously registered as SU-OAE. See below.  
5A-DRL Cessna 560XL Citation XLS Libyan Air Ambulance Seen at Safi on 03.05.09. Arrived and entered Med-Avia on 12.02.14. Again seen at Safi on 19th May (arrived?), in hangar the following day. May have departed, but noted at Safi on 31.07.14. Departed on 03.10.18. Arrived on 13.05.19 c/n 560-5808
5A-DRK Cessna 560 Citation XLS Libyan Air Ambulance l 08.04.08 Diverted to Malta due to a cracked windscreen. Entered Safi for repairs, but departure date unknown. Again noted at Safi on 24.11.15, but arrival/departure dates unknown. Seen again at Safi on 10.01.16, observed without a starboard engine from 29 Feb onwards. Still at Safi on 24th March. Current operator unknown.  
5A-UAA Bo. BD-100-1A10 Challenger 300     Entered Safi after landing, February 2011. Date 7th or 9th to be confirmed. c/n 20175.
9H-AMZ Bo. Global 6000 Comlux 06.08.23 12.08.23 Entered Safi shortly after landing. Departure from Safi unknown. c/n 9656.
9H-KLS Bo.BD-7000-1A10 Global 6000   10.04.19 03.05.19 At Safi for parking.  
9H-IRA Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global Express XRS Hyperion Aviation Ltd. 14.11.14 Reasons for entering Med-Avia unknown.  
9H-LXX Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global 6000 Vista Jet 29.01.23 02.02.23 Aircraft landed at 18:42, but entry into Safi unknown. c/n 9492.
9H-MAF Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Hyperion Aviation 07.10.19 09.10.19 c/s HYP007. Early morning arrival on 07.10.19, followed by a training session. To Safi afterwards for parking, departing on the 9th. c/n 70014
9H-OPE Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global Express VistaJet Ltd. 11.08.20 Departure from Safi unknown, but left Malta on 15.08.20. c/n 9440.
9H-NATE Gu. G500 Sparfell Malta   Noted at Upper Safi Park on 21.07.23. c/n 72047.
9H-SSU Bo. BD-700-1a10 Global 6000 Avcon Jet Malta Noted at Safi on 23.12.24. c/n 9864.
9H-VID Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Vista Jet   Seen at Safi on 02.06.21. (Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
9H-VIE Bo. BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Vista Jet   Noted at Safi ACM apron on 05.07.21. (Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
A6-ACE Bo.BD-700-1A10 Global 5000   08.07.19 09.07.19 At Safi for parking.  
A7-CGE Gulfstream G650ER Qatar Executive   Noted at Safi on 27.05.22 c/n 6301.
B-603R Gu. G650ER Deerjet 30.07.23 14.08.23 Entry into Safi unknown, but noted there on the 11th. c/n 6354.



CS-DCM Dassault Falcon 2000 Portugal Air Luxor?   At Safi between 19-21 Jan 02. Pi F-GMCK.
D-AOLH Fokker 100 Avantiair   Entered Safi for parking, noted on 11.02.20.
D-CATL Gates Learjet 55 Eurojet See notes. Entered Safi on 14 Mar, 23 Jul, between 11-15 Sept 02 and 23-24 Jan 03. To Safi again on 27 Jan to have “Republic of Malta” titles added. It returned to Safi on 29 Jan for the removal of the titles. Seen leaving Safi on 18 Mar. 29 May may have been its last visit to Safi, as the aircraft departed on 1 June, end of lease. c/n 55-051, ex N55KD, N55KS, N22GH, N22G, and N734.
D-CISX Gates Learjet 60 Eurojet 18.07.03* Arr on lease from Jet Connection on 09 Jul 03. Dep on the 25? * Day visit only. c/n 60-120 mfd 1998 ex N120LJ
D-COWS Gates Learjet 60   25.07.03/__.__.__ First visit to Safi for a day was on 5 Aug. Seen at Safi a couple of times more, but on 9 Sept was noted taxiing out with “AEE”, a part of the new registration, visible on its engine. On 3 Oct, it was noted with the titles of Republic of Malta and “AEE” removed. Finally on 15 Oct it was seen for the first time taxing out from Safi with “Republic of Malta” titles and with the full Maltese registration 9H-AEE. D-COWS was officially de-registered from the German register on the 14 Oct 03. c/n 60-170 mfd 2000 ex N170LJ
D-CURT Gates Learjet 31A     Between 09-10.10.04 mfd 1991 c/n 31A-042 ex D-CGGG.
F-GMGA Dassault Falcon 2000 Air Enterprise International   Seen at Safi on 20.06.97  
F-GMCK Dassault Falcon 2000 Air Enterprise International 20.05.99/ A number of visits were made to Safi in early 1999. Re-registered as CS-DCM
HZ-MA1 L. Jetstar 8 Ashmawi Aviation 27.07.03/? At Safi between 28 Jul - 11 Aug. c/n 5105 ex N17005
I-JAMY Dassault Falcon 2000     At Safi on 23.10.14  
LX-LXL Dassault Aviation 8X Global Jet Luxembourg   Noted at Safi on 05.10.22. c/n 460.
M-ABJL Gu. G650 Amjet Aviation Company 15.09.19/16.09.19   c/n 6198
M-BHBH Gulfstream G650 Aerofinance Invest Corp.   Noted at Safi on 28.06.21. c/n 6132, previously N632GA with the Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.
M-EDIA Bo. Challenger     Noted parked at Med-Avia on 27.06.14.  
M-JCBB Bo. Global 7500 JC Bamford Excavators 07.08.23/11.08.23 c/n 70107
M-OLOT Bo. Challenger     Arrived at Safi on 07.01.14.  
N1NE Bo. Global Express XRS 6000   __.__.__/05.07.22 Entered Safi for parking. Arrival date unknown. Aircraft previously seen on 12.05.22 and 10.06.22. c/n 9205.
N5PG Cessna 550 Citation   15.05.06/ Entered Safi after landing.  
N22YP Dassault Falcon 50 General Electric capital Corp. See notes. At Safi between 14-16.11.02. c/n 53 mfd 1981 ex N53FJ
N142HQ Gu. G450   27.07.21/15.08.21 Entered Safi shortly after arrival.  
N163PA Gr. Gulfstream III   __.__.__/16.09.19 At Safi for parking, probably entered on the 12th.  


N180CH Gr. Gulfstream V     Noted at Safi on 11.08.14 and between 29-30.10.14.  
N184PA Gr. Gulfstream III Phoenix Air   Landed at Malta on 24.02.22, but entry into Safi unknown. c/n 318.
N221DG Gr. Gulfstream V   08.07.06/21.07.06 Entered Safi after landing. c/n 5020
N321VC Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global Express XRS 15.02.24 Taxied to Safi for parking. c/n 9339.
N360LA Bombardier BD700     Noted at Med-Avia on 30.06.06. Again on 23.06.09. Actual arr/dep dates unknown.  
N4444X Bo.BD-7000-1A10 Global 6000     Noted at Safi on 22.09.19. c/n 9824.
N502P Gu. G500   18.06.23/ Entry into Med-Avia unknown, but noted there on the 25th. Departure date unknown. c/n 72083.
N670RR Gu. GV-SP     14.07.23/ c/n 5281. Taxied to Safi on the 15th.
N711SW Bo. BD-7000-1A10 Global 6000   19.10.19/__.__.__ c/s TWY702. Entered Safi after landing, departure date unknown.  
N740SS Gulfstream G-V     Arrived on 04.07.21, entering Safi on the 5th. Departure from Safi unknown, but left Malta on the 11th. c/n 532.
N887CS Ce. 560 Citation Encore+ Brownstone Aviation LLC 08.03.22/10.03.22 Reason and date of entry into Safi unknown. c/n 560-0787.
N979CB Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global 6000 Design Air   Noted at Safi ACM apron on 05.07.21. (Aircraft information courtesy of John Visanich, from his Malta Airport Movements Facebook page.)
OE-GEM Ce. 680   17.03.16/18.03.16 Arrived on the 16th, departed on the 17th, returning in the afternoon, and entering Safi.  
PR-WRO Gr. Gulfstream V   20.12.13/ Entered Med-Avia on the 21st.  
SU-OAE Dassault Falcon 20 Pyramid Airlines __.__.__/22.09.05 At Safi on 7 Dec 99. Two test flights on 15 & 16 Nov 01. Again at Safi on 14.01.02. Departed on 22.09.05 as 5A-DKQ. See above.  
SX-BTV Gates Learjet 55 Aegean 18.08.05 Diverted to Malta due to technical problems, and entered Safi on the same day.  
T7-AAA Bo. BD-700-1A10 Global Express XRS     Aircraft had arrived on 24.10.20 and entered the MCM maintenance facility. Noted at Safi on 06.11.20. Departure from Safi unknown. Seen on other dates. c/n 9283.
TS-JSM Dassault Falcon 900B   16.08.14/__.__.__   c/n 111, pi F-WWFH, N472FJ, N8BX.
VH-LUN Bombardier BD-700-2A12 Global 7500 Aeris Jet __.__.22/16.09.22 Probably entered Safi for parking purposes only, but exact day of arrival unknown.  
VP-BHX Bombardier BD700     Aircraft was noted at park 4 on 18.12.08. Entered Safi on 08.04.09, exited on the 9th with Maltese reg 9H-AFU.  
VP-BZE Dassault Falcon 7X   03.10.17/__.__.__ Had entered Safi by the following day. See Accidents page for 27.12.17. This aircraft had arrived 27.12.17 (see Civil Accidents page). Towed from the MCM company hanger to Safi on 31.07.18. Departed Safi on 29.04.19, left from Malta on 09.05.19.  
VP-CJA Dassault Falcon 2000 Cayman Island E.A.S.   Entered Safi on 05.05.99.  
VP-COP Bo. CL-600-2B16 Challenger 604   22.03.14/23.03.14 Entered Safi again on 20.05.14, had departed by the 23rd. This aircraft appears to be based at Safi, Dec 2014. No longer at Safi. c/n 5552

Aircraft types: M - Z


HB-JIB MD-90-30 British Jet 26.04.05/01.05.05 A subsidiary of a Maltese tour operator, the first to offer low cost flights. A/c entered Safi on the 27th, leaving on 1st May, operating first revenue flight that same day to Leeds. Again at Safi on 02.08 due to tech problem. May have departed same day or the 3rd. Again at Safi in February 06, exited on 01.03.06, departed for Manchester later in the afternoon. c/n 53553/2165
HB-JIC MD-90 Iceland Express/Hello __.__.__/11.05.06 Departure from Malta unknown. (Information courtesy of John Visanich.) c/n 53576/2195
D-ACKE Mitsubishi CRJ-900LR Lufthansa 28.01.22/ Arrived for long term parking. Re-registered N15081, and departed on 16.02.22 for Klagenfurt, Austria. c/n 15081.
ZS-CRJ Mitsubishi CRJ-100ER United Nations __.__.__/30.08.16 All-white with United Nations titles, undergoing maintenance at Safi on the 29th, arrival date unknown. Again seen in the same UN titles between 20-26.07.17, entering Aviation Cosmetics on the 22nd. Returned on 19.07.18, arriving from Tunis, departing on the 27th. c/n 7338.
Helicopters Jets Piston/turbo-props
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