Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Military Aviation » Deliveries » World War Two » Bristol  

F. Albacore

?     24.01.42   Aircraft was being ferried from North Africa to Malta, but never arrived, presumed to have crashed in the sea. Two fatalities.


Bristol aircraft





15.11.42 The aircraft was being flown to Malta to re-enforce 227 sqd, but never reached the island.
? x4 10.08.42
_____/W VI 03.08.42 This aircraft would be assigned to 248 squadron, and lost on a mission on the 13th.
T4651/C IC 252 15.02.42 Took off from Luqa with other aircraft for RAF Idku/LG229 at the end of their convoy escort duties detachment to Malta. The detachment was recalled almost immediately as an incoming air raid was identified. Some of the formation returned safely but some failed to receive the message and flew on, as insufficient time had been available in Malta to have their sets adjusted for the correct frequency. Fifteen to 20 enemy fighters soon intercepted them and shot this aircraft down into the sea a few miles east of the island.
T4658 OADU 06.10.41   Crew had to make a forced landing near Beja, Tunisia. Crew uninjured, interned as pow’s.
T4830 Ic 252 15.02.42 As above.
T4834 Ic 252 15.02.42 As above.
T4872 252 15.11.42 The aircraft was being flown to Malta to re-enforce 227 sqd, but never reached the island.
T4879 248 11.02.42 Aircraft departed on delivery to the Middle East but failed to reach its destination. Two missing believed dead.
T4889 Ic OADU 12.02.42 Departed for Egypt on delivery but never arrived. Last seen off Filfla islet being attacked by two Me-109s.
T4894 2 OTU 27.02.42 Aircraft crashed in the sea during a transit flight between Gibraltar and Malta. Two crew missing presumed dead.
T4896 236 11.02.42 Departed Malta for the Middle East but failed to arrive. Two crew missing believed dead.
T4915 236 11.02.42 Aircraft departed on delivery to the Middle East but failed to reach its destination. Two missing believed dead.
T4982 252 15.11.42 The aircraft was being flown to Malta to re-enforce 227 sqd, but never reached the island.
T4990 236 04.06.42 When flying between Tunisia and Sicily, the crew were intercepted by an Me-109. In the ensuing evasive actions, the crew lost their bearing and true course, used more fuel than had been planned for and suffered damage in their left-hand engine.

Seeking a solution to their predicament, they approached a convoy, and seeing the ships scatter in different directions, leading them to think it was Italian. Seeking land some 30 kilometres on, he flew on, where after crashing landing on the beach7 kms south of Mahdia, Tunisia, burnt the aircraft and papers. The crew were later transferred to, and interned in, Algeria.
T5101 VI 01.08.42 This aircraft would be assigned to 248 squadron, and lost on a mission on the 13th.
T5261 272 15.11.42 The aircraft was being flown to Malta to re-enforce 227 sqd, but never reached the island.
X7639 604 24.11.41 Missing between Gibraltar and Malta. Crew later found to be safe.


L9893 217 10.06.42 Crew member killed during an enemy attack whilst on delivery from Gibraltar to Malta.
N1036 OADU 20.12.41 Aircraft on a delivery from the UK to Malta. Pilot unable to draw fuel from overload system, leading to engines stopping as a result of fuel starvation. Crew were forced to land in the sea 3 miles from Gibraltar. Cause of fuel starvation appears to have been the result of all cocks and balance cocks being in the open position when the overload system was in use, and likely resulted in an air lock. Pilot claimed that he had been unable to obtain definite information on the fuel system in the UK. One slight injury.
AW298 OADU 06.04.42 Crashed at Luqa during transit flight to Middle East.
AW376 5 OTU 17.05.42 18.05.42 Aircraft, which had arrived the previous day, departed Malta for the Middle East, but, developing engine problems, the pilot decided to return to Malta. Unfortunately, the crew were forced to ditch in the sea, 40 miles SE of Malta. Navigator wasn’t seen again and presumed to have gone down with the sinking aircraft. The remaining three crew members survived, and were picked up by a German float plane, becoming prisoners of war.
DW823 30.09.42 Lost during a transit flight from Malta to the Far East. Four crew members missing.
DW824 09.10.42 Aircraft was in transit from the UK to the Middle East. Crew failed to arrive in Malta from Gibraltar. Crew initially listed as missing but were discovered to have been interned in French West Africa.
DW833 29.09.42 Lost during flight from Gibraltar to Malta four crew members missing.




L9263 4 Ferry Pilots Pool One of twelve Blenheims being ferried to the Middle East via France, Tunisia, and Malta. Pilot suffered engine failure during take-off from Marigrane, France on 18.06.40, the aircraft being abandoned there.
L9314 IV 4 Ferry Pilots Pool Crashed near Prunieres, France on 18.06.40, during delivery to the Middle East via France, Tunisia and Malta.
L9315 IV 4 Ferry Pilots Pool Crashed near Prunieres, France on 18.06.40, during delivery to the Middle East via France, Tunisia and Malta.
L9317 IV Crashed near Prunieres, France on 18.06.40 during delivery to the Middle East via France, Tunisia and Malta. Three casualties.
L9318 Aircraft was one of twelve being ferried to the Middle East as above. Crashed in France on 18.06.40. Three casualties.
L9351 4 Ferry Pilots Pool Aircraft crashed in France on 18.06.40.
L9934 4 Ferry Pilots Pool One of twelve Blenheims being ferried to the Middle East via France, Tunisia and Malta on 18.06.40. Crew tried landing in the sea, but the aircraft flipped over, taking the crew down with.
T1853 IV OADU 04.11.41 Aircraft was in the circuit to land at North Front Aerodrome, Gibraltar when the port propeller and reduction gear flew out and downwards from the aircraft. Unable to maintain height, the pilot flew into the sea, 120 yards from the airfield.
V5535 OADU 27.02.42 Aircraft crashed 1,000 yards east of North Front airfield, Gibraltar during a transit flight to the Middle East. Aircraft was reported to be making a single engine approach to the airfield at 20 feet, when a wing dropped and hit the sea, causing the aircraft to crash into the sea. Three crew survived with injuries.
V6165 82 21.05.41 Aircraft crashed in sea between Gibraltar and Malta. 2 missing, one survivor.
V6394 OADU 19.03.42 Ditched off the coast of Cap Bon, Tunisia. 3 crew missing.
OADU 15.11.41   Crew were inbound to Malta, but intercepted by CR.42s, damaging the aircraft, which crash landed at Luqa.
Z6283 OADU 01.04.42 Aircraft reported missing during transit flight from Malta but arrived safely at Camp Almaza, Egypt.
Z6422 82 22.06.41 Aircraft was shot down between Pantalleria and Malta by Italian destroyer. 3 pow.
Z7689 IV 82 04.01.42 Aircraft went missing on a ferry flight from Egypt to Malta. Believed shot down by the Luftwaffe.
Z7924 IV 21 28.12.41 Aircraft crashed in the sea, 440 yards east of Gibraltar during a ferry flight from the UK to the Middle East. Engine cut shortly after take-off, but picked again, but with a noticeable loss of power. The pilot selected the flaps instead of undercarriage, causing the aircraft to stall. Two injuries, two missing, presumed dead.
Z7972 OADU 26.12.41 Aircraft crashed off coast of Gibraltar in the sea on delivery to Malta. One missing, two injured.
Z7979 88/OADU 29.10.41 Aircraft crashed in the sea 10 miles from Ras Engella near the Gulf of Tunis during a delivery flight to the Middle East. Three crew members missing, presumed dead.
Z9832 30.03.42 Aircraft departed Malta for the Middle East but lost en route due to causes unknown. The three Australian crew reported missing, presumed dead.
BA288 V 13 OTU 21.06.42 Aircraft departed from RAF Portreath in the UK for Gibraltar. The crew had an uneventful flight until about 180 miles from the Spanish coast, when the starboard engine began “cutting”, but started operating again shortly afterwards. On reaching the Spanish coast, the air gunner reported what he thought was a fuel leak in the port petrol tank. The captain decided to cut across Spain to Gibraltar, but with the fuel consumption having increased considerably, he decided at a point 100 miles north-east of Lisbon, that there wasn’t enough petrol to reach Gibraltar, and a diversion to Portugal was advisable.

An attempt to land at Tancos airfield had to be abandoned when they couldn’t locate it, but by following the Tangus river, they managed to reach the then new airport of Portela.

Contrary to normal procedure, the crew had been advised not to destroy the aircraft in Portugal, but all documents were burnt, and the IFF equipment blown up.

The crew were interned at Caldas de Rainha, were they joined other British crews. It would appear that they were later released, and transported to Gibraltar, then the UK.
BA442 V 20.06.42 21.06.42 Aircraft arrived from Gibraltar for the Middle East. The crew of this aircraft made the report about the crash of BA446 (below). Presumably they continued to their destination.
BA446 V 20.06.42 21.06.42 Aircraft arrived from Gibraltar for the Middle East. After taking-off from Malta, the crew crashed in the sea for unknown reasons, the aircraft breaking up, 90 miles north of Derna. The three crewmen escaped, spending 12 hours in a dinghy, before being picked up by the Italian hospital ship S.S. Aquila. As one of the crew had died by then, the Italian captain simply ordered that he be thrown overboard in the sea.

Report about crash came from accompanying aircraft BA442.
BA542 V   15.07.42 16.07.42 Aircraft departed from No. 13 O.T.U. Bicester for Gibraltar. It landed at Luqa, taking-off for the Middle East after a night stop, but never reached its destination. It crashed in the sea, either because of mechanical issues, or enemy action. Three fatalities, with the body of one crewman washing ashore at Port Said on 12th August.
BA371 V OADU 24.05.42 Crew departed from RAF Portreath for Gibraltar, but crashed in the sea in west of North Front aerodrome, Gibraltar. Salvaged from the sea were mail bags destined for Malta. Three crew suffered slight injuries.
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