Monday, February 10, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » DC-3 » Air Malta  
The First Air Malta

Outside aviation circles, little is known about the fact that, as early as 1947, until 1951, an airline by the name of Air Malta, was flying scheduled services to Italy France, Tunis, Libya, Egypt and the UK.

It operated a mixed bag of nine Airspeed Consuls, two De Havilland Dove, one each Bristol 170 Freighter and DC-4, as well as three DC-3s.

The other aircraft are outside the scope and purpose of this page, but the table below gives details of the DC-3s used.

G-AGNG Eagle Aviation Ltd C-47B-20-DK 15552/ 26997 43-49736 D23Dec44 - KK216 RAF UK 12Jan45 - G-AGNG "OFZB" BOAC 21Jan45 - BEA L 04Feb46 - EI-ADY Aer Lingus L 21May48 to 060ct48 - Blue Line A/L Ltd lOJan49 - Eagle Avn Ltd 07Feb50 - Britavia Ltd 24Jan51 - (L V Avey R23Jan51 ntu) - CF-GVZ Gulf Avn Ltd 1OFeb51 Quebecair Ltd 27Sep51 - Cr 17Jan56 Oreway Lake, PQ . Leased between from Apr–Oct 50.
G-AIJD Ciro’s Aviation Ltd. C-47-DL 9049 42-32823 D10Feb43 - FD795 RAF 27Mar43 - 24 Sq UK 24May43 - 512 Sq 23Aug43 - 24 Sq 21Feb44 - 22MU 26Jun46 - G-AIJD ShaefTrading Co (S Rubin) 01Aug46 - Ciro's Avn 17Sep46 - S Rubin Dec46 - YV-C-AVK Avensa 23Jan51 - N50F Beldex Corp [VJ - Holliston Mills Inc, Norwood, MA, (1963 to Oct71)- Raiche Mobile Homes Inc, Manchester, NH (Sep72)- Ocean Technology, Anchorage, AK, (1977) - XA-JIE Aero Pacifico 1977 - XA-REP Mexicana A/ws Aug91 - Canx for N regn 07 Aug96 Ntu - XA-REP Aerolibertad, San Antonio, Stinson Fld Apr98. Leased between Apr-Jun 50.
G-AJAY Westminister Airways Ltd. C-47A-25-DK 13375 c/n, 42-93461 D22May44 - KG616 RAF Mantreal 27May44 - UK OIJun44 - 512 Sq 30Sep44 - 22MU 22Nav46 - Scattish Avn Ltd 27Nav46 - G-AJAY Westminster AJW Ltd R19Jan47 - (Sold Nav48) EC-AET Iberia "52" R07Jun50 - T3-67 Spanish AF May66 "745-67" - Wfu Cuatra Vientas 10May77 Sold. Leased between 16.12.49 – Apr 50. Flew with Air Malta titles.
Air Malta Miaco Non-Miaco DC-3s Military C-47s/C-117s 50th Anniversary - Europe 50th Anniversary - Canada Odyssey 86 1997 Gathering in Sweden The Last Time DC-3s abroad Avion Barbara Airkenya ends DC-3 services Project DST
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