Monday, February 10, 2025 Civil/General Aviation » Air Rally » Participants 1969 - 1979  
Air Rally participants, 1969-1979


A list of participants in the Air Rally of Malta is to be found on this and the following pages, divided by decade. On each page, a Rally edition date in red text indicates a recent addition to the list.

1st edition, 10 - 13 October 1969

The first edition attracted a total of seventeen entrants, all but two being British. Since then, British pilots have provided the bulk of entrants, and have also been declared overall winners in more than half of the first forty editions.

This edition, however, would be won by a Danish entrant.

Perhaps indicative of the relatively small number of entrants, the arrivals were all scheduled for the afternoon.

This, and the ’70 edition, would be the only two rallies that would be held in October. From 1971 onwards, the Air Rally would be held in June/July. Also, 10th October was a Friday. To the best of my knowledge, this was one of two rally’s (the other being the 2009 one) were the arrival day would be a Friday.

Amongst the participants, the two most interesting ones (especially by today’s standards), were a Rollason Condor (a tail-dragger) and a Piper Tri-Pacer PA-22-150.

Also, except for the overall winner, I don’t have a complete list of the results. If anyone can assist in this matter, this will be appreciated.

Thanks to Victor Pisani, who provided the original participation list.

Cessna 172 9H-AAA H. Falzon  
Piper Tri-Pacer PA-22-150 G-APZX C. M. Harper    
Piper PA-24-260 Twin Comanche G-ARFH Mr. & Mrs. Cattle, Mr. & Mrs. Cuff    
Piper Comanche G-ARGE P. M. Breton, F. Butcher    
Cessna 172B G-ARLU R. Cox, D. Casterine, Ms. E. O’Leary    
Piper Comanche 180 G-ARYO B. Cudmor Dickson    
Piper PA-24-250 Comanche G-ASEO S. G. Nicholson, R. C. Kayes, G. Horder (complimentary entrant)    
Piper PA-24-260 Twin Comanche G-ATAO Mr. & Mr. Ranald, P. Hughes Reckitt, Ms. S. Powell    
Beech Baron G-ATGR Mr. & Mrs. & Ms. Kebbell    
SAN Jodel DR.1050/MI Excellence G-ATLB B. Hily    
SAN Jodel DR.1050/MI Excellence G-AVJK D. J. Lovell, A. Tyrell    
P. Cherokee G-AVPV A. Roberts, M. Barry    
R/Cessna 172B G-AWCH Mr. & Mrs. Irish, Ms. J. Irish, Ms. L. Irish. Winner, Concours D’Elegance.  
Piper PA-23-250 Aztec C G-AWIY A.P. Capper, W. P. Capper, D. L. Antrobus, D. Freeth    
CEA Jodel G-AWYL F. G. Fox, S. M. Swager    
Rollason Condor G-AXG_ N. Jones, Tiger Club   Registration needs confirmation.
Piper PA-23-250C Aztec OY-BKI Dr. & Mrs Bruel, Overall Air Rally, Arrival, and Pilot’s Trophy winner.  


2nd edition, 03 - 06 October 1970

The second edition was held at Luqa airport, rather than at Hal-Far, with the arrival times starting late morning at 10.10 GMT.

Although the number of entrants remained the same as 1969, 17, British pilots this year amounted to slightly less than half, 8.

3 German, 2 Austrians, and single entries from Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and a US-registered aircraft completed the list. The latter could have been either German- or Austrian-based. There were also two cancellations.

Interesting aircraft seen during this rally were the Focke-Wulf/Piaggio P.149D and Klemm KL-107, both German registered. The former was a development of a two-seat Italian design, later manufactured under licence for a limited production run in Germany, whilst the Klemm design dates back to 1940 whose production came to a halt when the factory was bombed. Production re-commenced in 1955.

The other three aircraft were all crewed by British pilots and were all tail-draggers, comprising the single-engined Auster J/1N and the twin-engined Sokol Super Aero and Dornier Do.28A-1.

Another aircraft that stood out from the Pipers and Cessnas was the Morane Saulnier MS.880B Rallye Club, G-ASAU. Nine years later a similar example would be placed on the Maltese register as 9H-AAY.

The RAF’s Red Arrows pilots were guests of honour at a barbecue dinner.

Piper Cherokee 180E 9H-AAC Mr. & Mrs. Ripard    
Sokol Super Aero 9M-AOF K.M.C. Brooksbank, P.H. Lewis, W. Waite, J. Welaw-Chapman   UK entry. This aircraft was registered during November 1970, but destroyed by gales at Andrewsfield on January 2nd 1976.
Focke-Wulf/Piaggio P.149D D-EBDE M. & A. Dess, P. nLindner, T. Rohmer   c/n 131
Klemm KL-107 D-ELUQ B. & I. Nehrokorn    
Cessna 182G Skylane D-EMQI U. & H. Ulm, H. Heinrich    
Auster J/1N Alpha G-AIGT F.K. Parker, Ms. S. Winckler    
Piper PA-24-250 Comanche G-ARUW D.J. Surridge, W. Carson, Dr. G. Edelstyn, R. Hoffman Winner, Overall Air Rally, Longest Distance Flown and Concours D’Elegance.  
Dornier Do.28A-1 G-ASUR H. Camm    
Morane Saulnier MS.880B Rallye Club G-ASAU E.G. Morton, B. Tempest    
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AVBP J.S. Penny, R. Bennet    
R/Cessna F172H Skyhawk G-AVIR J. McKay, B. Berry, N. Birkett    
Cessna F.172H G-AWCH B.P. Irish, H. Baker, G. Chambers    
Piper PA-28-235 Cherokee LX-AIR M. Pesch, J. Bregoli, V. Crescentini, F. Konz    
Aero Commander 680 N99V H. & E. Heyman, K.W. England,    
Cessna 182K Skylane OE-DDW E. Leeb, E. Senoner, S. Pulzl    
Piper PA-24-250 Commanche OE-DEU Dr. J. Lenz, Jan M. Janu    
Piper Aztec OY-BKI Per V. & B. Bruel    


Piper PA30 F-BNPO    
Beech 19 Musketeer G-AWTS Liverpool Aero Club  
3rd edition, 26-29 June 1971.

As from this year, the rally changed to the month of June, with the arrivals also starting arriving earlier in the day, the first rallyist, Mooney F-BNOB, being scheduled for 08.00 GMT.

As usual, the overwhelming majority of entrants were from the UK, 24 out of a total of 37 entries. Germany was represented by four aircraft, France and Malta 3 each, Austria 2, Belgium 1.

Judging from the name of the pilot, one of the Maltese entries, 9H-AAA, may in fact have been leased by a foreign pilot.

The following unsigned report appeared in Malta Flypast Issue 7.

The Third Malta International Air Rally was held at Hal Far Airfield between the 26 and 29 June 1971. Entrants came from six European countries, namely, United Kingdom, West Germany, France, Austria, Belgium and last but not least Malta. The number of entrants amounted to 37, but five of whom failed to arrive for various reasons.

The First competition was the 'arrival competition' which was won by the par-ticipant taking the least time to arrive at the airfield from the 'Mike Lima Golf ¬the Gozo beacon. Other competitions were the 'concours d'elegance' and the 'ladies solo'.

The first Malta International Air Rally was held between 10 and 13 October 1969. Although Hal Far had already been closed down for operations, it was still functional and was opened espe¬cially for this event. Members of the Organising Committee at that time were J.K. Arbuthnott (Chairman), R.A.S. Ames (Royal Aero Club), M. Archer, Cpt J.D.M. Wilson (Secretary), Wg Cmdr E.H. Coleman, R.C. Borg and AA Farrugia. The event was under the patronage of the Governor General of Malta, Sir Maurice Dorman, and was possible through the cooperation of Air Commodore CV Winn on the RAF's side and J. Muscat Drago and J. Pollacco from the Malta Government Tourist Board.

Fourteen aircraft took part in the first edition, with a Danish crew, flying a Piper PA.23 (OY-BKI) placing first. All the other thirteen aircraft came from the United Kingdom.

While the second edition was held at RAF Luqa, the third edition returned to the Hal Far venue. Austrian participant O. Sochor flying Cessna OE-DDW won the Arrival Competition. The Concours d'Elegance was won by UK entrant D. Surridge flying Piper Apache G-ATJP. Mrs J. Turner flying the Metasokol G¬-AVPU won the Ladies Solo Particpant Trophy. The overall winner was the Austrian Mr R Tichy flying Piper Twin Comanche OE-FBP.

Cpt Paul Ripard became Chairman of the Malta Air Rally Committee in 1973, succeeded by Cpt George Kissaun in 1976.

Webmaster’s note. In his book No. 203 Squadron – The Malta Years, Colin Pomeroy wrote that with one of the rallyists being none other than HRH Prince William of Gloucester, who flew Piper Cherokee G-AYPW, Shackletons from 203 squadron were tasked with providing a SAR sortie, in the event of his plane ditching in the Mediterranean.

Cessna 172 9H-AAA A. Roberts    
Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee 9H-AAC Mr. & Mrs. McCraken    
Cessna 172 9H-AAD H. Falzon    
Piaggo 149 D-EBDE Mr. & Mrs. Dess, P. Linder, Ms. T. Rohwer    
Mooney 20 D-EGKE H. Herrmann, M. Haas, K. Kohler. Runner up, Arrival Competition.  
Klemm 107 D-ELUQ Mr. & Mrs. Nehrkorn    
Cessna 182 D-EMQI Mr. & Mrs. U. F. Ulm, D. Schultheis    
Moooney 20E F-BNOB R. Berger, Ms. Francoise    
Cessna 172 Skyhawk F-BOQP R. Panier, Mrs. Panier    
Cessna 172 Skyhawk F-BOQZ Mr. & Mrs. Droin    
Orlican L-40 Meta-Sokol G-APVU Mrs. J. Turner. Winner, Ladies competition. Previously listed as G-AVPU, a Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub.
Piper PA-22-160 G-APWR J. E. Powell, R.J. Powell, J.G. Powell    
Piper PA-24 Comanche G-ARHI J. S. Eynon, W.H. Entress, P.D. Howell    
Beagle Airedale G-ASAH Mr. & Mrs. Tua    
Beechcraft B95A G-ASIR Mr. & Mrs. G. C. Ranald    
Piper PA-24 Comanche G-ASRA R. C. Magrath, A.J. Dyer    
Mooney 20 G-ASUB Mr. & Mrs. D. V. Beadon, Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton    
Dornier DO-28A G-ASUR Mr. & Mrs. H. Camm, Mr. & Mrs. J. Brailsford, Mr. D. Camm, Ms. J. Camm    
Mooney 21 G-ATAD H. W. Walker, D. Wier, P. Howitt    
Piper PA-23-160 Apache G-ATJP Mr. & Mrs. D. Surridge, Nigel & Kevin Surridge. Winner, Flight Planning and Concours D’Elegance competitions, runner-up in the Longest Distance Flown competition & Malta Government Tourist Board Trophy competitions.  
Piper PA-23 Aztec G-ATMU J. M. Bisco, R.H. Webb, L.H. Wood    
Socata Rallye Commodore G-AVAK L. S. Cooper, Mrs. J. M. Cooper    
Cessna 172 G-AVBZ J. A. Roberts, P.C. Vale    
Cessna 172 Skyhawk G-AVIR Mr. & Mrs. J. McKay, Mr. & Mrs. Birkett. Winner Piper Trophy First Single-Engine Aeroplane, Runner-up, Flight Planning competition, 3rd place in Malta Government Tourist Board Trophy.  
Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-AVRU Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lawry, Mr. & Mrs. B.J.C. Woodhall    
Cessna 172 Skyhawk G-AVUF N. R. Kempton, M.C. Turnor    
Socata Gardan GY-80-180 Horizon G-AWAC F. R. Puttock, C. Race, B. Douch, Ms. S. Little    
Cessna 401 G-AWSF R. W. Dilley, D. Cambell, Ms. J. Rvall, Ms. J. Over    
R/Ce. FR172F Rocket G-AWWU Mr. & Mrs. J. Steward-Wood    
Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-AXSG B. F. Walker, V.F.Wales    
Beagle B.121 Pup Srs 100 G-AXUA F. Blennerhassett, P. Metcalfe    
Mooney 21 G-AXZV J. Marriott, C. Gibson, Mrs. M. Gibson    
Cessna 210 G-AYCL Mr. & Mrs G. E. Platt    
Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-AYPW H.R.H. Prince William, R.A.S. Ames. Runner-up, Concours D’Elegance competition.  
Cessna 182 OE-DDW O. Socher, Dr. R. Hanifle, G. Kropfl. Winner Arrival Competition.  
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche OE-FPB T. W. Tichy, W. Riedl Winner, Longest Distance Flown and Malta Government Tourist Board Trophy Competitions.  
Piper PA-28 Cherokee OO-LGH J. Dalem, P. Houart, A. Nagalmackers    

1972 – Cancelled.

The uncertainty caused by the deadlock between the Maltese and UK governments about the amount of money owed as rent for the use of military facilities on the island forced the organizing committee the cancel this years’ event.

By the time the political issue was resolved in late March (1972), it was deemed that not enough time remained to re-start preparations, and the event remained cancelled.
4th edition, 17 – 20 June 1973.

With 33 entrants, participation was down by 4 on the 1971 total.

As usual, British pilots made a strong showing, with 18 attending. Belgian entrants were represented with a respectable 6 aircraft, Germany, Ireland and Malta fielded two aircraft each, and 1 each from France and Switzerland. Lastly, a US-registered entrant, almost certainly a European owned aircraft.

As with the ’71 edition, 9H-AAA was not flown by the owner, but by a Mr. Roberts, a foreigner, or an ex-pat living on the island.

Aircraft-wise, the most interesting – in the opinion of this writer – would have been the Dornier 28, Focke-Wulf/Piaggio P.149D, Marchetti SF.360, Socata GY-80-180 Horizon, and the most interesting one, a Thurston Teal 1A.

The following list were taken from the official participation list, but no placings, other than the overall winner, were available. This list was kindly supplied by Mr. Victor Pisani.

R/Cessna 172H 9H-AAA A. Roberts    
Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee 9H-AAC Mr. & Mrs. P. Ripard    
Robin CE-25 D-EACB J. Kohn, E. Schwarze, W. Schulz    
Piper PA-24 D-ELPY Dr. & Mrs. A. Geunther, Mrs. H.E. Kuen, Mrs. E. Stuebbe    
Piper PA-28R-200 EI-AWS O.D. Philips, T.D. Philips, Mrs. D. Philips, Ms. S. Philips    
Cessna 414 Chancellor II EI-AWW Mr. & Mrs. T. Farrington, T. Farrington Jr., M. Farrington, E. Higgins, Ms. E. Mills    
Cessna 172 F-BOQZ Mr. & Mrs. Droin    
Beech A35 Bonanza G-APVW Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Powell, R.J. Powell    
Beech D95A G-ASIR Mr. & Mrs. C. Ranald    
Dornier 28A-1 G-ASUR Mr. & Mrs. Camm, Ms. J. Camm, D. Camm, Mr. & Mrs. J. Brailsford,    
Beech 95-B55 Baron G-ATGR Mr. & Mrs. D.J. Surridge, W. Carson. Overall Rally winner.    
Cessna F172G G-ATNH C. Race, D.R. Wise, E.S. Kelly, C. Moon    
Beech BE-35 Bonanza G-ATSR Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Spiers    
Socata GY-80-180 Horizon G-AVMA B.R. Hildick, P. Boyce, P. Davison    
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AVWH Mr. & Mrs. F.C. Fitzgerald, M.B. Tighe    
Cessna 182C Skylane G-AWBV A.A. Hunter, J.O. Wilson, W. Thorburn, D. Andrews    
Beech C-90 King Air G-AWPM Mr. & Mrs. Carlton, Mr. & Mrs. Ames, Mr. & Mrs. Gould, J.P. Howitt, Ms. J. Turner.    
Cessna 401 G-AWSF R.W. Dilley, N. Lane, Ms. D. John, Ms. Moncrieff    
Mooney 20F G-AXZV Mr. & Mrs. J. Marriott, D. Weir, Mrs. R. Crosthwaite    
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee D G-AYRM E. White, C. Knight    
Piper PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow D G-AYWW B.F. Walker, D.J. Birt    
Cessna 340 G-AZRC Mr. & Mrs. L. Shaw, Mr. & Mrs. N. Reddihough    
Beechcraft C23 Sundowner G-BAHO J. Quick, A. Reith, Mrs. Evans, Ms. J. Bodicombe    
Cessna E310Q G-BARG Mr. & Mrs. G.E. Platt    
Thurston Teal 1A G-BAUL Mr. & Mrs. T. Hynett   This was a single engined, tail dragger amphibian.
Piper PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow B HB-OHF C. Keel, Ms. H. Herzog, Mrs. R. Thomann    
Aero Commander N99V H. Heyman, H. Breman, A. Jennings    
R/Cessna FR172H Rocket OO-ADO J.M.G. Jorisson, Mr. & Mrs. J. Schoefs, Ms. L. Ponet    
Marchetti SF.360 OO-AHR M.F.T. Herte, P. Verwoessen    
Cessna C-337 OO-GCM J. Savelkoul, M. Notelaers, E. Dirckx, J. Noelmans, J. Stultjens    
Piper PA-28R-200 Arrow OO-LGH Mr. & Mrs. J. Dalem, M. Leveque, J. Polus    
Jodel DR-360 OO-MAS R. Denis, P. Houyoux, S.M. Siplet    
Focke-Wulf Piaggio P.149D OO-MEV Mr. & Mrs. Staelens, Mr. & Mrs. Ferket    

5th edition, 22-25 June, 1974.

36 aircraft took part, registering an increase of two over the ’73 edition. And with 22 (approx 61%) being British, UK pilots once again maintained a strong rally presence.

Maltese and Irish entries fell to one each, as did Belgian participation, down from six the previous year. French and German entries went up to 3 and four respectively, whilst Austrian pilots re-appeared in three aircraft after being absent for the 73 edition.

This edition also saw seven disqualification, and one cancellation.

The author considers the Bolkow 209 Monsun, Fournier RF4D and Wassmer 100 to have been the more interesting attendees.

This list now includes participants names and disqualified aircraft in their own table.

Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee 9H-AAC Mr. & Mrs. Ripard    
Mooney 21 D-ECRI H.L. Herrmann, M. Hass    
Cessna 172 Skyhawk D-EGBP Mr. & Mrs. Landgraf, Mr. & MNrs, Wiedenmann    
Cessna 182 Skylane D-EJXU M. Wolke, F. Brose   Aircraft departed from Luqa.
Cessna 182 Skylane D-EMQI Mr. & Mrs. Ulm    
Cessna 414 EI-AWW T. Farrington, E. Higgins, M. Farrington, Mrs. Farrington, Ms. E. Wills, K. Condell   Pilot was instructed by A.T.C. to fly at 2,000 feet.
Wassmer 100 F-BNMA      
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche F-BOLZ Mr. & Mrs. Boeuf, Mr. & Mrs. Picot    
Beech Bonanza F-BTYL     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche G-ASOB G.L. & M.J. Birch, G. Savage, J. Waterfield    
Beech Baron G-ATGR D.J. Surridge, C. McFaddden, p. Lloyd, A. Divers. Overall Air Rally Winner.    
Beech Bonanza G-ATSR Mr. & Mrs. E.J. Spiers, Mr. & Mrs. L.S. Cooper    
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche G-AVAO     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche G-AVVI Mr. & Mrs. P.J Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. Lucas, M. Lucas, plus one child.    
Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-AVWA T. Kusnierz, D.R. Wise    
Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-AVWH Mrs. V. Fitzgerald, M.B. Tighe    
Fournier RF4D G-AWBJ     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.
Robin Regent G-AWYL R.A. & D.F Bailey, G. Quinnell, W. Barker    
Beech D95A Baron G-AYNM     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.
Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee G-AYRM E.T. White, C. Goold, Ms. E. Sallingboe.    
Piper PA-28-200B Cherokee Arrow G-AYWW B.F. Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Ward    
Beech 19 Musketeer G-AYYU T.H. Rogers, R.A. Mitchell, J. Parker, R.G. Ebert    
Bolkow 209 Monsun G-AZDD Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy    
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche G-AZFO G.G. Tonkin, E.A. Hill    
Robin Regent G-AZOW Mrs. M. Dyne, Ms. L. Brace    
Cessna 182 Skylane G-BAFJ     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.
Piper PA-24 Comanche G-BAHG     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.
Piper PA-28 Cherokee 200R G-BAJT D. J. Evans    
Piper PA-34 Seneca G-BAKD G. Reed, E. Wein    
Beechcraft C23 Sundownder G-BASN R. Carroll, C.W. Gildert, J.M. Dukes, M.J. Thodeson    
Robin HR.100/210 Royal G-BBPW P. Wood, J. Heal    
Aero Commander N99V      
Cessna 182 Skylane OE-DDT J. Friedl, H. Reichert, R. Zarazik, O. Dokorny    
Piper PA-34 Seneca OE-FBG Mr. & Mrs. Bancalari, Mr. & Mrs. Plank-Bachselten    
Piper PA-23 Aztec OO-BYB Mr. & Mrs. Callebaut, F. Champenios    
Piper PA-30 Twin Comanche OE-FPB     Disqualified, late arrival due to weather.


The following participant cancelled.

Beech Kingair A100 G-BBVL    

6th edition, 22 – 25 June 1975.

At 43 aircraft, this year saw an increase of seven aircraft over the previous year, with UK rallyists amounting to well over half at 67% (29 aircraft).

This year marked the first time that aircraft from Italy and Switzerland participated. Whilst Swiss pilots would continue to participate in future editions (a Swiss pilot would go on to win the rally for three consecutive editions between 2005-2007), it has always intrigued this author as to why Italian pilots haven’t been more consistent in their participation, seeing they are our closest geographical neighbour. The relatively short distance not proving too much of a challenge, perhaps?

Also making their first appearance were crews from Libya. Libyan pilots would also participate between 1976 and 1978. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no further participation by Libyan aircraft/crews since.

As with the previous year, there were two disqualifications, both German pilots.

Amongst the aircraft participating were Cessna 177 Cardinals, quite a rare type in those days. Another rare type was Dornier 28A G-ASUR, last seen during the 1973 event. It would participate again in future editions of the Rally.

Participation list kindly supplied by Victor Pisani.

Ce. 172 5A-DFD M.A. Abulkhairat, A.O. El Faghi, T.O. El Misurati    
P. PA_32-300 9H-AAI Mr. & Mrs. Ripard    
Mooney M21 D-ECRI     Disqualified, late arrival.
Ce. T210F D-EDWB U.F. Ulm, R. Eichron, Mr. & Mrs. E.G. Berninger    
Avion DR400 Robin Jodel D-EFFF w. Flade, Mr. & Mrs. Langesee Overall Rally winner.  
Ce. 172 D-EGBP     Disqualified, late arrival.
Avion Robin Jodel D-EGSJ     Disqualified, late arrival.
P. PA-24-250 Commanche G-ARLL Mr. & Mrs. Spiers, Mr. & Mrs. Cooper    
Ce. 172 G-ARYS D.J. Squires, C.W. Gilbert, S. Hindmarch, L. Keys    
Be. Baron 95/A55 G-ASDO Mr. & Mrs. Beadon, D. Frost, Ms. O. Ostracil    
P. PA-30 Twin Commanche V G-ASOB Mr. & Mrs. Birch, G. Savage    
Dornier 28A G-ASUR Mr. & Mrs. Camm, Ms. J.M. Camm, D. Camm    
P. PA-28-180 Cherokee G-ATYS T.H. Rogers, R.A. Mitchell, B.C. Sparks, D.J. Smith    
P. PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AWBE Mr. & Mrs. B. Gill    
Ce. 401 G-AWSF R.W. Dilley, N. Lane, Ms. M. Hollcroft, Ms. M. Atherton    
Avion DR.253B Robin Regent G-AWYL R.A. & D.F. Bailey, R.A. King, A. Broyden    
P. PA-28-180D Cherokee G-AXOR K.B. Chell, J.A. Butterfield, G. Whitehead    
P. PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow G-AYII I.R. Cummings, E.H. King, R.G. Sutton, Mrs. M.O. Gornall    
P. PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AYRM E.T. White, M. Campbell    
P. PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AYWE T. Kusnierz, A.R. Bebrouth, R. Blewett    
P. PA-28-200 Arrow G-AYWW Mr. & Mrs. Walker, J. Powell, Mrs. P. Clegg    
P. PA-23-250D Aztec G-AZGB Mr. & Mrs. Bartlett, M. Lewis, Mrs. H. Calderia, Master C. Bartlett, Ms. S. Calderia    
Ce. F.177 Cardinal G-AZKT N.R. Kempton, M.C. Turnor    
P. PA-28R-200 Arrow G-AZTT Mr. & Mrs. A.B. Tyler, Mr. & Mrs J. Marble    
P. PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AZVZ D.R. Wise, C.A. Boardman    
P. PA-28-200R Cherokee Arrow G-BAAP Mr. & Mrs. Syreed, Mr. & Mrs. Vaughan    
Ce. 177 Cardinal G-BAFI J.F. Ayre, P. Lautier    
P. PA-28-140 Cherokee G-BAFU Mr. & Mrs. Fenwick, P. Morris    
P. PA-24-260 Commanche G-BAHG J. Marriott, P. Steel    
P. PA-28R-200 Arrow G-BAJT D.J. Everns    
Ce. 310Q G-BAYU J.W. Robinson, Mrs. E. Boshell, Mr. & Mrs. A.R. Lockyer    
B. Baron B55 G-BBCD Mr. & Mrs. L. Turner    
P. PA-28R-180 Arrow G-BBEL Mr. & Mrs. Wiltshire    
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-BBIE R. Carroll, J. Dukes    
Avion HR100 Robin G-BBPW Mrs. M. Dyne, Ms. L. Brace    
Avion DR400-108 Pierre Robin G-BCXE P.N.R. Mills, A.A.J. Reeves, R.L. Davis    
Mooney M20 HB-DET S. Vock, Ms. A. Huser    
Avion HR100 Robin HB-EMT Mr. & Mrs. Buchler    
Avion HR/100/200B Robin HB-EMW Mr. & Mrs. O. Bruggisser    
Ce. T210 I-FFAD G. Fiore, J. Bondi, A. Fantecchi, A. Savani    
Ce. 172 I-FFAE C. Casadio, E. Pasini, E. Cane, N. Randi    
Ce. 177 I-FFSY R. Simoni, A. Pinza, F. Baroncelli, L. Carini    
Ce. 172 OE-DTA H. Holztrattner, S. Hontzsh, F.G. Gruber    

7th edition, 1976.

With 28 of 48 entrants hailing from the UK, British pilots once again maintained the lead in participation.

For 1976, Libyan participation jumped to six aircraft, up from 1 in 1975, with four each from Germany and Italy. France and Austria were represented by 3 and 2 aircraft respectively, with a lone Maltese entrant.

Most interesting aircraft came from Germany with a Me-108, and France, with a Wassmer 41.

P. PA-34 5A-DER      
Ce. 172 5A-DFD      
Ce. 172 5A-DFE      
Ce. 172 5A-DFK      
P. Pa-28 Cherokee 5A-DFL      
P. PA-28 Cherokee 5A-DFM      
P. PA-32 9H-AAI      
Me. 108 D-EDIH   Winner, Oldest Aircraft Category.  
P. PA-28 Cherokee D-EEMI      
Ce. 210 D-ELMW      
Beech 35 D-ENAR      
Wassmer WA 41 F-BNCE      
Avion HR100 F-BUQC      
P. PA-39 F-GALF      
Beech 35 G-APVW      
P. PA-30 G-ASJM      
P. PA-30 G-ASMH      
P. PA-30 G-ASOB      
P. PA-32 G-ATES      
P. PA-30 G-ATFK      
P. PA-24 G-ATNV      
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-AVBT      
P. PA-30 G-AWBT      
DR300 G-AWYL      
P. PA-30 G-AXAV      
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-AXOR      
P. PA-28R Cherokee G-AYII      
P. PA-23 G-AYMO      
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-AYRM   Overall rally winner.  
Ce. 172 G-AZJV      
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-AZVZ D. Wise Runner-up, Flight Planning Competition  
Ce. 177 G-BAFI      
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-BAFU      
DR400 G-BAGR      
P. PA-24 G-BAHG      
DR400 G-BALJ      
Ce. 310 G-BAYU      
P. PA-28 Cherokee G-BBEB      
HR100 G-BBGO      
HR100 G-BBPW      
Beech 23 G-BBTY      
Ce. 414 G-BBYT      
Ce. 210 I-FFAD      
Ce. 172 I-FFAE      
Ce. 172 I-FFSS      
P. PA-28 Cherokee I-ROWW      
Ce. 172 OE-DTA      
P. PA-23 OE-FPM      


8th edition, 19 - 22 June 1977.

With a total of 50 aircraft attending, this was one of the better editions. As usual, the overwhelming majority of entrants were British, 26 aircraft or 52%. Noteworthy are the six participants from Libya. The remainder was made up of 7 Germans, 5 Austrians, 3 Italians, and one each from Finland, France and Malta.

A number of participants landed at Luqa from Hal-Far, rather than leaving the islands on the 22nd. These are indicated by an asterisk (*).

Rallye 235 5A-DAM M. A. Nammar  
Piper PA-34 Seneca 5A-DER A. Z. Ahmed Disqualified.
Cessna Fl72 Skyhawk 5A-DFD S. R. Dwebi  
Cessna 172 Skyhawk 5A-DFE * M. S. AL Maghrbi  
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee 5A-DFL * M. M. Bzeak  
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee 5A-DFM * M. M. Hema  
Piper PA-32 Cherokee 300 9H-AAI P. Ripard  
Piper PA28-151 Cherokee D-EEMI W. Hollmann  
Cessna 172 D-EGBP P. Landgraf  
Beech V35B Bonanza D-EIMF R. Hohenfeller  
Beech BE35 Bonanza D-ENAR U. Bendfeldt  
Beech V357B Bonanza D-EOLM H. F. Reger  
Partenavia PN68 Victor D-GIRO M. Wolke  
Beech BE65 Queen Air D-ILSO H. Kreyenberg  
Piper PA30B Comanche F-GALF L. Amar  
Piper Pa-23-160 Apache G-ARJP D. J. Everns  
Piper PA.24-250 Comanche G-ARLL * E. J. Spiers  
Cessna 172E G-ASOK I. K. Simcock  
Piper PA.28-180 Cherokee G-AVBT * T. H. Rogers  
Piper PA.30 Twin Comanche G-AWBT * Ms. A. C. Peacock  
Piper PA.28-160 Cherokee G-AXRL * J. P. Danton  
Cessna T210K Centurion G-AYGM * G. A. Pilling  
Piper PA.28R Arrow 200 G-AYII *    
Piper PA.23-250 Aztec G-AYMO * D. Gold  
Piper PA.28-140 Cherokee G-AYRM * E. T. White  
Piper PA.28-140 Cherokee G-AYWE T. Kusnierz  
SOCATA ST.10 Diplomate G-AZIB Mrs. C. E. Fricker  
Cessna 172 G-AZJV C. Huxtable  
Cessna 177 G-AZKH F. B. Spriggs  
Avion DR400-180 Robin G-BAEN * M. Patiky  
Avion DR400-160 Robin G-BAFP * Mrs. M. Dyne  
Cessna C177RG G-BAIS F. Jones  
Piper PA.28 Arrow ?-00 G-BAJT J. R. Fuller  
Piper PA.30 Comanche G-BAWU * A. H. Wiltshire  
Piper PA.34 Seneca G-BAXN T. McLarnon Did not compete.
Avion DR400-140 Robin G-BBCS R. G. K. Parsons  
Avion MOO Robin G-BBJT * M. McRobert  
Avion MOO Robin G-BBPW * P. Wood  
Beech C23 Sundowner G-BBTY * P. J. Clavert  
Piper PA.28R Arrow G-BDFL * F. B. J. Gibbons  
Grumman AA5B Traveller G-BEFC T. F. Nevill  
Partenavia P.66 Oscar I-MERG G. Tansini  
Aerospatiale MS880 I-RALE L. Matteucci  
Partenavia P.64 Oscar I-TRUE G. Giudo  
Cessna 182 Skylane OE-DDX W. Garhoefer  
Cessna C210 OE-DFN N. Kotz  
Cessna 182 Skylane OE-DGR M. Stelzl  
Piper Aztec OE-FPM   This was a late applicant who was not accepted, but showed up at Luqa on 19.06.
Cessna 340 OE-LFE P. Houard  
Piper PA.28R Arrow 200 OH-PCX J. Saska  

Cancellations – 1977

The following aircraft cancelled or failed to appear in time to participate.

Cessna F150 5A-DFI O. A. Abanghgazi Cancelled, did not show up.
Avion DR400-140 Robin G-BALJ D. Del Rowe  
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee G-AVRT A. V. Tune  
Garden Horizon GY80 G-ASZS I. B. Willis  
Mooney M20 OO-ABS E. P. J. Laumans Country of origin was listed as Holland. 1974

9th edition, 18-21 June 1978

From an original 57 participants, 6 cancelled. Of the remaining 51 aircraft, 33, or 64.7%, came from the UK. As in 1977, participation again included 5 aircraft from Libya, as well as a cancellation.

Each qualifying rallyist received a wall plaque as keepsake, presented by the Malta International Air Rally Committee.

Reims/Cessna F.172M 5A-DFD    
Reims/Cessna F.172M 5A-DFE    
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser 5A-DFL    
Piper PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser 5A-DFM    
Reims/Cessna FR.172J D-EGBP P. Landgraf Winner, Longest Distance Flown, from Mehman, Norway, 71.05.18 North, 28.13.12 E.
Morane-Saulnier MS.893A Commodore D-EGSO H. P. Fehrenz Winner, Most Sporting Entry.
Mooney M.2OF Executive D-EHRM    
Rockwell 112 Commander D-EIXN    
Robin HR.100 Dijon 250 D-EKRF    
Piper PA-24 Comanche 250 G-ARLL    
Piper PA-24 Comanche 260 G-ATAO    
Piper PA-32 Cherokee Six 300 G-AVFU    
Piper PA-24 Comanche 260 G-AVJU    
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 180 G-AVWO    
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 180 G-AWFD    
Cessna 401 G-AWSF R. W. Dilley Second highest Placed multi-engined aircraft.
Laverda F.81 Falco 4 G-AWSU    
SIAI SF-260 G-AXAH    
Beagle B.121 Pup 2 G-AXNN    
Cessna.T.210D Centurion G-AYGM    
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 200 G-AYII I. R. Cummings Winner, Overall Air Rally, Highest Placed Single Engined aircraft, Timed Section Competition. Runner-up, Flight Planning Competition
Piper PA-E23 Aztec 250 G-AYMO    
Piper PA-28 Cherokee 180 G-AYPJ    
Beech C23 Musketeer G-AYWS    
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 200D G-AYWW    
Socata ST-10 Diplomate G-AZIB Mrs. C. Fricker Winner, Highest Placed Lady Entrant. Runner-up, Timed Section Competition.
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 200 G-BAAP    
Robin DR.400/140 G-BAGC    
Cessna F.177RG Cardinal G-BAIS    
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 200 G-BAJT    
Robin DR.400 Regent 180 G-BALJ    
Piper PA-39 Twin Comanche 160C/R G-BALP    
Robin DR.400 Earl 140 G-BBCS    
Robin HR.100 Royal 210 G-BBPW    
Beech G23 Sundowner G-BBTY    
Robin HR.100-285 Tiara G-BCMR    
Grumman-American AA-5A Cheetah G-BDLO T. R. Bamber Winner, Highest Placed Novice.
Grumman-American AA-5B Tiger G-BEFC    
Cessna 210 Centurion G-BEYV    
Cessna F.177RG Cardinal G-BFIV    
Cessna FTi 337GP Skymaster G-BFIZ D. Gold Winner, Arrival Competition, Highest Placed Multi-Engined aircraft. Runner-up, Overall Air Rally, Concours D’Elegance.
Robin DR.400 Major 140B G-BFJZ    
Cessna 337 Skymaster HB-LHX    
Partenavia P.66B Oscar 100 I-STAB    
Partenavia P.64B Oscar I-TRUE    
Cessna 182 Skylane OE-DGN    
Cessna 172 OE-DLT    
Cessna 172 OE-DUC    
Piper PA-28R Cherokee Arrow 200 OH-PCX J. Saska Runner-up, Longest Distance Flown, from Marieham Airport, Helsinski.
Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140 OY-DHD    
Cessna 182 Skylane PH-CFY A. C. Ruiter Runner-up, Arrival Competition.

Cancellations – 1978

The following aircraft, one Libyan and five German, failed to make an appearance at the rally.

Aerospatiale Rallye 235 5A-DAN   Cancelled participation.
Navion Rangemaster H D-EBBP    
Reims/Cessna FR.172H D-ECKZ    
Reims/Cessna F.172D D-EFRA    
Mooney M.2OF Executive D-EJHE    
Beech 95-A55 Baron D-IKUC    

10th edition, 23-27 June, 1979

With the British Forces having left Malta earlier in the year on 31 March, and Hal-Far having been handed over to the Maltese Government in September 1978, a change in venue was inevitable. From 1979 onwards, Luqa Airport started hosting the International Air Rally of Malta. Certainly for the car-less enthusiast, Luqa was more attractive, as going to Hal-Far still meant a further 15-20 minute walk after the bus journey.

As for the rally itself, 1979 was one of the better attended editions, with fifty-one entrants, with four cancellations, all British. Unfortunately, two aircraft that would have made this edition even more memorable, a 1940 Percival Proctor and a 1941 DH 82, failed to materialise.

Each qualifying rallyist received a memento of the 10th anniversary Air Rally, presented by the organising committee of the International Air Rally of Malta.

Piper PA-32-Six 9H-AAI P. Ripard 1977
Beech 60 D-IKTS P. Landgraf. Winner, Longest Distance Flown Competition (Fom Spitzbergen 78 degrees 15 minutes North, 15 degrees 33 minutes East) Arr. on Sunday. 1977
Bolkow Bo.207 D-EBPI W. Krueger Arr on Sunday. 1964
Cessna T210F Centurion D-EDWB U. Ulm Arr. on Sunday. 1966
Cessna 411A D-IHAM W. Dess 1967
Piper PA-28-R200 Arrow D-EDGE G. Klein Arr. on Sunday. 1970
Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee Arrow D-EMAA W. Hollmann 1973 c/n 287405073, pi N9645N.
Mooney M20F D-EHRM W. Dietz Arr. on Sunday. 1970
Mooney M20F D-EJHE H. Herrmann Arr. on Sunday. 1969
Rockwell Commander 112TC D-EIXN E. Schwarze 1976
Rockwell International AC12 D-EHXK W. Haygis Arr. on Sunday. 1973
Beechcraft E55 Baron F-GAPN Y. Tayssier Arr. on Sunday. 1977
Piper PA-39 Twin Commanche F-BRSS D. Lomenech 1971
Piper PA-30 Twin Commanche F-GALF L. Amir Winner, Arrival Competition 1978
R/Cessna 182 Skylane G-BPPN L. H. Norris Arr. on Sunday. 1978
Cessna C210T Centurion G-BENF F. Jones 1976
Cessna T210K Centurion G-AYGM T. Pilling Winner, Time Section Competition Arr. on Sunday. 1970
Cessna CT-210M Centurion G-BEYV P. B. Spriggs 1977
Cessna 310Q G-BCDI D. Tearle Arr on Friday, the 22nd. 1974
Cessna 310T Centurion G-BGRJ R. Woods 1976
Cessna C.337 Skymaster G-AWVS J. Mirley 1969
Cessna F337G Skymaster II G-BFGH J. G. Lunt Runner up, Highest placed, multi-engined aircraft 1977
Cessna C.337 Skymaster G-BFIZ D. Gold Winner, Highest Placed, multi- engined aircraft, and Runner up, Overall Air Rally 1977
Cessna 401 G-AWSF R. W. Dilley 1968
Fuji FA-200/180 G-BCKS J. T. Hicks 1974
Garden Horizon GY 80 G-AZYA T. Poole 1965
Grumman American GA-7 Cougar G-BGHL Ms. C. Stevens 1979
Grumman American GA-7 Cougar G-EENY T. R. Bamber 1978
Piper PA-23 Aztec G-ATKW R. Sinclair 1968
Piper PA-23 Aztec G-AYMO R. Gold 1965
Piper PA-E23 Aztec E G-BGBG D. V. Beadon 1976
Piper PA-24-180 Commanche G-AXMA R. E. Leech 1963
Piper PA-28-160 G-ARVW J. E. Powell 1967
Piper PA-28R-200 Arrow G-AYII I. R. Cummings. Winner, Overall Rally, Highest Placed Single-engined aircraft, Runner up in the Arrival, Timed Section & Flight Planning Competitions. 1970
Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-AYRM L. H. Vizer 1968
Piper PA-28 Arrow G-IBFW B. F. Walker 1978
Piper PA-28R G-BAJT J. R. Fuller. Runner up in the Highest placed single-engined aircraft and Concourse D’Elegance 1972
Piper PA-28T Arrow IV G-DAAH A. A. Hunter 1979
Robin HR.100-200 Royale G-BBPW Mrs. M. Dyne. Winner in the Highest Placed Lady entrant, Flight Planning & Concours D’Elegance Competitions. 1973
Piper PA-28-180 Cherokee Archer HB-OQE Mrs. A. Cailler. Winner, Highest Placed Novice. 1975. C/n 28-7405011, pi N9568N
Cessna 182H Skylane I-SKIM Mrs. R. M. Giavi Arr. on Sunday.
Cessna T210L Centurion OE-DFT Dr. l. Ceconi 1976
Piper PA-31P Cheyenne OE-FSK T. W. Tichy Runner up, Longest Distance Flown Competition (arrived from North Cape, Norway). 1974
Piper PA-23 Aztec OY-BKI Per V. Bruel 1969
Cessna 172 PH-JRA J. Van Der Meer Arr. on Sunday. 1977
Cessna 182P Skylane PH-CFY A. C. Ruilter 1973
Cessna 182P Skylane PH-IFL J. Dorlas Arr. on Sunday. 1974
Piper PA-28R-210 PH-SRV J. F. Altepost 1978
Piper PA-24-250 Commanche SE-EPA C. Wretland 1974
Piper PA-32RT-300 Lance II SE-GVI K. A. Thorsland Arr. on Sunday. 1978, c/n 32R-7885129
Rockwell Commander RC111 SE-GSN T. Johansson Arr. on Sunday. 1978


De Havilland DH-82A Tiger Moth G-ANKK P. Crispe Winner, Most Sporting Entry. 1941 C/n 85390 coded T-5854.
Grumman American AA5 G-BEFC T. F. Nevill 1976
Robin Avions 140 G-BAFX J. R. Smith 1973
Percival Proctor G-ALJF Ms. S. Saggers 1940

Air Rally Winners Participants 1969 - 1979 Participants 1980 - 1989 Participants 1990 - 1999 Participants 2000 - 2009 Participants 2010 - 2019 Participants 2020 - 2029
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